Trump rally has plenty of precedent

The stock market has been on a roll this year, breaking record after record. President Trump recently tweeted that the media  should report on the “virtually unprecedented” rally in the market since he took office.

Although the Trump rally has seen nice, healthy gains so far, it is well behind some other presidential stock market rallies, reports Bloomberg News. In fact, it is only the seventh-best presidential stock market rally, and is dwarfed by previous rallies under four Democratic and two Republican administrations.

As of mid-October the market had gone up by 19% under Trump, as measured by growth in the Standard & Poor’s 500 Stock Index, Bloomberg says.

However, the market jumped by 41% during the 11 months following the election of Franklin Delano Roosevelt to his first term in 1932. Roosevelt saw another 28% rally in his fourth term beginning in 1944. The second-best performance was 38% in Bill Clinton’s second administration in 1996, followed by 35% for Herbert Hoover in 1928.

George H.W. Bush enjoyed a 31% rally in the first 11 months after his election in 1988, and John F. Kennedy’s administration saw a jump of 24% at the start of his 1960 term.

The Trump rally surpassed that of his predecessor, Barack Obama. The S&P 500 rose by 16% at the start of his second term in 2012.

Richard Schroeder, CFP®
Chief Investment Officer


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