You saved diligently for retirement - now you need to make it last.

Our fee-only fiduciary approach puts you first.
As featured in

Retirement Investing

Investing in retirement is all about making your money last. At Level, we employ a rational, evidence-based investment strategy—one centered on globally diversified portfolios comprising low-cost, tax-efficient mutual funds—to grow your savings and protect you from the effects of inflation.

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Tax Planning

Stretching your retirement nest egg to its fullest potential requires careful tax optimization. We look forward to map out all your sources of taxable income, which allows us to strategize and manage your retirement income efficiently. This results in significant tax savings, meaning your money will last longer.

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Fee-only Fiduciary Advice

Level’s CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® professionals are fiduciaries in the truest sense. Unlike financial advisors who are compensated for the products they sell, we don’t work on commission, so you can be confident our advice is in service of your goals—not our own bottom line.

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Legacy Planning

You worked hard to accumulate what you have, and you hope to leave something behind when you’re gone. Whether it’s to your family, favorite charity, or both, Level can help you pass your assets on as efficiently as possible, minimizing taxes and headaches for those who will handle your estate.

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Our Services

We offer two service levels based on your financial picture and stage of life. Both are designed to grow with you and for you.


You did everything you were supposed to, with regard to saving for retirement. But you need help creating a big picture plan to make your money last. Foundation can help.


You’ve been highly successful and have complex assets to account for. You need an efficient, tax-optimized strategy for seeing your wealth through.

We strive to humanize financial planning, treating our clients and employees like family. Honesty, integrity, flexibility and transparency are pillars of our existence. Nothing is more important to our firm.


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